About Us

Creating Empathy Through Storyplaying

4Storygames was founded January 4th of 2022 by Apelles Johnson, a game master in Noblesville, IN. He had been a game master for several years at that point and the organization was an avenue to host his business of being a professional in his local community and publish supplements and projects he had been developing. 

Over time, he started connecting with other gamers and fans and receiving their aid in growing. While he handles most of the business on the day to day, he gets incredible help from artists, layout designers, fundraisers, and players, which makes calling the enterprise solely his own, disingenuous. He is humbled to be working with so many talented people and works hard to grow 4storygames every day. 

The mission of 4StoryGames is Creating Empathy through Storyplaying. We like to focus on the people playing the games more than the game itself. Every person coming to the table has their own unique way of going through life. Whatever game we are playing, we are embracing the opportunity to simply be with other people. We eat together, laugh together, cry together and in those moments we get to learn a little more about each other. 

However, in order to gather people to be in this empathetic atmosphere, the game we play has to be outstanding. It has to be evocative, engaging, dynamic and enticing. It has to have you bouncing up and down in your chair Friday evening at work because you know a new game is coming up.  The game has to come up over drinks and laughs in conversations years after the game has ended. It has to unite people in the moment and give them an opportunity to see each other. The game must be good enough to bring people together again and again, and so we work hard to make every game as great as possible, because we know what's at stake. 

So thank you, all of you, for being who you are right now. Thank you for playing with us. And we hope to see you in the next game. 

Apelles Johnson: Game Master

Apelles Johnson is 33 years old and based in Noblesville, IN. He's been a game master for roughly 10 years and a storyteller his entire life. He has a flair for the dramatic and loves to be surprised. He believes role-playing games should be a dynamic, pushing and pulling between the game master and players in a dance of trust and pizazz. His favorite feeling is when a group of players are faced with some unknowable obstacle and choose to work together and take a risk to overcome it.

Apelles has a beautiful wife named Oksana and two equally beautiful daughters along with a pet cat (pictured here) named Cheshire. He loves to cook and has a penchant for making bad, albeit strong, cocktails to share with any unlucky enough to drop by. His passions for people are helping fight homelessness and hunger, volunteering at his church and using the empathy he learns to help those who need it most.